The 2019 operating budget for the core program at the Debi Arach Children's Center is $77,000. This includes the facility's rent, monthly utilities, food costs, staff salaries, all classes, supplies, excursions and humanitarian support for 180 children weekly. The center operates six days a week. The annual operating budget does not include the Vocational Training programs. Please join our efforts to help change these children's lives and lead them onto a path of future success.
Your donation to sponsor the operating cost for the Debi Arach Children's Center in Gyumri will be recognized with a plaque at the Center and on the Center's website and in other printed materials. Your name will also be listed as a sponsor on the Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation will proudly arrange a visit to the center when you are in Armenia. All donations made to Debi Arach from the United States are facilitated through The Paros Foundation.

Send your donations through PayPal to
Or send checks made out to "The Paros Foundation" to:
The Paros Foundation,
2217 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
(310) 400-9061
For donations made outside of the United States:
Debi Arach NGO
Ardishinbank, Cascade Branch
AMD: 2474502181330000
USD: 2474502181330010
EUR: 2474502181330020
USD: Citibank, NA, NEW YORK, SWIFT:CITIUS33, ACC. 36209105
USD: Deutsche Bank Trust Company, Americas, NEW YORK, SWIFT:BKTRU33 ACC: 04422630
EUR: Dresdner Bank AG. , Frankfurt AM MAIN, SWIFT: DRESDEFF, ACC: 499/0800065700/888
RUR: SBERBANK ROSSII, Moscow, SWIFT: SABRRUMM 012, BIK 044525225, K/C 30101810400000000225, ACC: 30111810600000000435
USD: SBERBANK ROSSII, Moscow, SWIFT: SABRRUMM, ACC: 30111840900000000435
The Paros Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
Thank you for your support!

Donors' names make up the leaves of the giving tree which are featured at the Center