Short Term Impact
Sponsoring the Birthday Cake Fund will allow the Debi Arach Children’s Center to celebrate all of the children’s birthdays, with a monthly cake for each group. In addition to the benefit to the children, the local economy will gain a modest benefit from the sale of two larger cakes per month.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, children at the center will develop a sense of confidence and well being because of the well rounded and normal set of childhood memories they have developed as part of their attendance. This will contribute to the overall goal of helping these children gain the skills they need to become productive adults.
Start Date: January 2016
End Date: Three years from start date
Full Description
To date, the center has already had several important successes. The children as a whole have gained several pounds since they have started attending, demonstrating their need for nutritious and consistent meals. Additionally, three children have been taken out of boarding schools and brought to our center and now live back at home with their families. Staff trainings have begun with an academic counsel of professionals from the United States and Armenia to ensure that the children are receiving the best methods of care and treatment for their development.
To support the psychological development of the children and underscore their sense of self worth, developing positive childhood memories is important. To this end, each month, all of the children having birthdays will be celebrated following lunch with a cake. Both groups of attendees will celebrate the children monthly.
Thousands of children in Gyumri are living in extreme poverty, with little hope for a decent future. These socially vulnerable children are in need of a safe and enriching environment where they can receive additional guidance through social, psychological and academic support giving them a chance to break their cycle of poverty. An important component of normal psychological development is developing normal childhood memories. Celebrating important occasions such as a birthday with a group of their friends and peers significantly contribute to a child’s proper psychological development.
Anonymous (2016)
Miss. Celine Gharapetian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Miss. Lia Krumian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Miss. Natalie Shabazian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Miss. Nicole Timour In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Miss. Patil Kilisian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Miss. Sareen Kasparian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Miss. Sarin Khatcherian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Miss. Tara Arouchian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Miss. Tsolaire Menechian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Miss. Vauna Derderian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Mr. & Mrs. Ari & Nanor Boyadjian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Mr. & Mrs. Eli & Noushig Dekermenjian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2015) - CA, USA
Mr. & Mrs. Mher & Sossy Tavidian (2016) - CA, USA
Mr. & Mrs. Vartan & Taline Gharibian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Mr. Richard Alonso In Honor of Greg & Karmen Dadourian (2017) - NY, USA
Mrs. Lori Keurian Alonso In Honor of Greg & Karmen Dadourian (2017) - NY, USA
Ms. Alina Azizian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Ms. Cynthia Arslanian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Ms. Elvina Torres-Campos In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Ms. Gohar Harutyunyan (2017) - NJ, USA
Ms. Lisa Manookian (2017) - PA, USA
Ms. Maroush Dekermenjian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Ms. Nyree Arabian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Ms. Sylva Khayalian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Ms. Talar Sarafian (2017) - USA
Ms. Taleene Karamardian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA
Ms. Zov Karamardian In honor of Nyrie Tavidian's Birthday (2016) - CA, USA